Dear Parking Lot Nazi…

To the self appointed Parking Lot Nazi at the Morgan Hill Safeway, who was so kind to leave me this note judging my character and my car, I say this: Get a life and some real problems! Take that energy and put it to good use like writing to your Congress about gun reform.

My car IS that nice… To me! And if I want to take up two spaces because you idiots don’t know how to open your car doors delicately to avoid putting dings on my car, what’s it to you?!

How’s this, trade in your piece of shit for a better whip, so you can be on the level. Cause if your car was better than mine you’d feel me on my parking strategy!

That being said, If you are going to leave a note on people’s cars like the douche bag you are, at least have the decency to do it with some class!